First Class Furniture
The Power of Palmwood
Möbel aus Palmholz-Furnier
sind zurück – nach 100 Jahren
im modernen
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Furniture made
of palm wood verneer
is back – after 100 years
in a modern
Design by Nora Gabriel®
First Class Furniture
The Power of Palmwood
Möbel aus Palmholz-Furnier
sind zurück – nach 100 Jahren
im modernen
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Furniture made
of palm wood verneer
is back – after 100 years
in a modern
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Handgefertigte Einzelstücke
aus einem herausfordernden
Handcrafted one-of-a-kind
furniture, made of
a highly challenging Material.
Made in Germany.
Coffee Table
First Class Furniture
The Power of Palmwood
Möbel aus Palmholz-Furnier
sind zurück – nach 100 Jahren
im modernen
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Furniture made
of palm wood verneer
is back – after 100 years
in a modern
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Handgefertigte Einzelstücke
aus einem herausfordernden
Handcrafted one-of-a-kind
furniture, made of
a highly challenging Material.
Made in Germany.
Coffee Table
First Class Furniture
The Power of Palmwood
Möbel aus Palmholz-Furnier
sind zurück – nach 100 Jahren
im modernen
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Furniture made
of palm wood verneer
is back – after 100 years
in a modern
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Handgefertigte Einzelstücke
aus einem herausfordernden
Handcrafted one-of-a-kind
furniture, made of
a highly challenging Material.
Made in Germany.
Coffee Table
First Class Furniture
The Power of Palmwood
Möbel aus Palmholz-Furnier
sind zurück – nach 100 Jahren
im modernen
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Furniture made
of palm wood verneer
is back – after 100 years
in a modern
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Das Holz der Extreme
entfaltet seine Schönheit,
tadellos verarbeitet in
selbstbewussten Design.
Extremely beautiful and extremely
demanding, this wood shows
off its beauty throught confident
design and expert craftmanship.
Coffee Table
First Class Furniture
The Power of Palmwood
Möbel aus Palmholz-Furnier
sind zurück – nach 100 Jahren
im modernen
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Furniture made
of palm wood verneer
is back – after 100 years
in a modern
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Palmholz fordert heraus,
das Design weckt die
kraftvolle Sinnlichkeit des
Materials bis ins Detail.
Palmwood challenges designers
to convey the material`s
unique sensually and aesthetic
power down to the smallest detail.
Bar Cabinet
First Class Furniture
The Power of Palmwood
Möbel aus Palmholz-Furnier
sind zurück – nach 100 Jahren
im modernen
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Furniture made
of palm wood verneer
is back – after 100 years
in a modern
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Palmholz fordert heraus,
das Design weckt die
kraftvolle Sinnlichkeit des
Materials bis ins Detail.
Palmwood challenges designers
to convey the material`s
unique sensually and aesthetic
power down to the smallest detail.
Bar Cabinet
Furniture of Palmwood
Premiere auf der imm cologne 2016
First Class Furniture
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Premiere at the imm cologne 2016
First Class Furniture
Design by Nora Gabriel®
First Class Furniture
The Power of Palmwood
Möbel aus Palmholz-Furnier
sind zurück – nach 100 Jahren
im modernen
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Furniture made
of palm wood verneer
is back – after 100 years
in a modern
Design by Nora Gabriel®
First Class Furniture
The Power of Palmwood
Möbel aus Palmholz-Furnier
sind zurück – nach 100 Jahren
im modernen
Design by Nora Gabriel®
Furniture made
of palm wood verneer
is back – after 100 years
in a modern
Design by Nora Gabriel®